11AM & 6PM
Sunday worship is the high point of our week.
If you are curious or have questions about Christianity or our church, the best way to find out more is by coming to one of our services.
Throughout the week we worship God personally, in our families, through our work, in our Life Groups, in all we do and say. But on one day of the week (Sunday), God calls us together to worship him as a whole church. ​
Everyone is welcome in our services.
We have two Sunday services, at 11am and 6pm, which each last a wee bit over an hour. The two services are the same in style but different in substance; most of our church family come to both services.
In each service we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; pray to God to praise and thank him, confess our sins to him, and present our needs and requests to him; read passages from Bible, usually as part of a series over several weeks; and listen to a Bible passage being preached and taught for our own lives today.
Sometimes in our services we celebrate the baptism of a new Christian, or the child of a Christian parent.
6 times a year, we celebrate communion or the Lord’s Supper as Christians by sharing bread and wine together.
When our services finish, most people stay for a while to catch up, speak to new people and get to know each other better. We have tea, coffee and cakes, and plenty of space to sit, talk and relax together. Occasionally we hold church lunches on a Sunday, or you might be invited to someone’s home for a meal.
Our building is designed so that you can see all the way to the pulpit at the front of the church from the street outside. It reflects our desire to be transparent in our worship and teaching: we have nothing to hide, and good news to share.
If you want to find out more, we’d love to see you on a Sunday.
If you’re unsure about visiting or feel nervous about coming along, get in touch with our church office and we can be in touch with you before Sunday to help your visit.
You can also find out more by clicking the button below.
Children are all very welcome on a Sunday.
Crèche runs during our morning service for children aged 0-2 where you can take your little ones if they become unsettled or fussy during the service. Parents can stay with the children in crèche, or are free to leave them under the care and supervision of our team of volunteers.
Sunday School runs during our morning service following the Children's Talk, for kids aged 3 to P7. Our Sunday School Leaders and Teachers provide teaching, lead singing, and plan other activities designed to nurture faith in Jesus Christ.
When you arrive with your child(ren), one of our Welcome Team members will explain where to go for Crèche or Sunday School.
Bible Class (S1-S4) meets during term every Sunday morning. We study through a set material with a focus on the Bible and encourage discussion and inquiry during prayerful study time together.
Our Welcome Team on a Sunday, would love to connect you with one of our Teens leaders to get to know you better.